We have been working a lot behind the scenes on our next hard fork, also known as V8 Menger.
We have now reached a point where we are comfortable testing it out on a test network with our community.
As you might know, since V7 we have been involving our community in helping us test daemons and other software in exchange for XLA, and we will be doing the same with V8.
What does the testing involve?
The testing involves 32 members of our community.
- 16 different Diardi network operators
- 16 different regular miners
What are the requirements to participate?
- 64-bit PC with 4GB of free RAM
- Linux OS (prioritized over Windows)
- Join our Discord server
- Scala wallet address
Note: If you do not have a Scala wallet yet, please visit scalaproject.io for different options.
There are absolutely no other requirements in terms of coins or payment. If someone is contacting you asking to make a payment to join the testing process, don’t fall for it: they are scamming you!
Will I get paid for helping test?
Yes! We will be airdropping a total of 50,000,000 XLA coins as part of this initiative.
- 32,000,000 XLA coins: 1,000,000 XLA coins each for Diardi operators and 1,000,000 XLA coins each for regular miners will be airdropped after the test has concluded
- 18,000,000 XLA coins are reserved for bug bounties and other goodies
How to participate?
- Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/CXzneopY3xhN7CDy6
- Join our Discord server: https://discordapp.com/invite/djAFVvy
- Get support and give feedback in the #v8-menger-testnet channel
The form will be closed once we have selected 32 participants.
How will the participants be chosen?
The core team will review all applications and select 32 participants based on the following criteria:
- Known community member and/or past engagement within our community
- Good technical knowledge
- Linux will be prioritized
If you are selected, the team will contact you on Discord to let you know the next steps. If you are not selected, you can still help us test everything, but you won’t be eligible for the airdrop.
How long will the testing last?
We expect about one week of testing. We will keep you updated on our Discord server.
Thanks for supporting us!